Sunday, May 8, 2011

It's been a while...i had pick up smoking once again n i wonder why is that??
I started out smoking when i was still a high school-er n stop when i finished high school...
Its exactly been a year i started smoking n a year i stopped but yet i started it out again...funny,huh?
I wonder why??because of my friend??because of i wanted to??or it was because of you??
I started it out when i was forced into a world of loneliness, a world where only darkness imply, none shall experience this yet i did...after that accident...
WHY!! I asked myself...WHY!!
I should be able to hold it off like i always do but why can't i let you matter how time flies or how i try to forget...THERE WOULD A PIECE OF YOU IN MY MIND!!!WHY!!!
I tried to cry but it wouldn't tears had long stopped flowing...
I tried to work myself body is the only that tired out not my mind...
I tried to matter when i go, there is still you...

Latter on i smoked...AH~what a relief...i found something which i could use as an excuse to get YOU out of my mind...
I know i am killing myself, i am committing suicide in a slow way...but YOU wouldn't stop hunting me...
Maybe it is not you, the reason i smoke again...maybe it was all along me who can't let go of things and still having beliefs that will not become true...
HAHA~i laughed whenever my mind came across with YOU in it...
I laughed is not because i found it funny but found it annoying, so annoying that, the only way to stop it is to laugh it out....

Ah..ah~maybe it was all me all along, to think that a person like me who possess both strong will n strong heart to start back smoking, is really something to laugh about...haha....