Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How long do I need to wait?
How long do I need to sit?
How long do I need to pray?
How long do I need to joke?
For the one I desire the most

People comes, people leaves, that is how life is like....
We can't stop them from coming and interrupt our peaceful life
Nor we can't stop them from leaving our life...

They can come by just to say 'hi', just to check you out if you're ok,
They can also leave you lonely, and leave you only memories with them in them...
They can make you happy as if the world has no worries,
They can make you cry as if the world has turn into chaos...
They can be the light at the darkest moment,
Yet they can also be the darkness that covers our heart....

Please, be my ears, listen to me, I want to change,
Give me the strength to keep on,
Please, be gentle hands, touch me, I want to be happy,
Give me the happiness i longed for,
Please, be my heart, feel me, I want to love,
Give me the one I desire, to show her love.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Its been so long...i forgot when was the last blog i posted here....
No one would even read my blog, but i kept writting them....
I dunno why did i even think of coming back here...
Nothing has changed...
Its all the same...

What is with me anyway?
Thinking of you like it was yesterday...
Thinking of you like there was still hope...
Thinking of you when I want to change...
Thinking of you when I am still "me"...

God has yet to answer me, my questions
My question of how to forget you
My question of how to change "me"
My question of how to get you closer to me
My question of how to get me closer to you
My question of how to fall in love again
My question of how to change things............

Doing things on my own, with my own ways and with my own strengths
had tiring me down, I wanna rest, I wanna escape, I wanna run,
but proof no results, try to rest, try to escape, try to run,
but proof no meaning, why I wanna rest, why I wanna escape, why I wanna run,
away from this cruel reality, this cruel truth, this cruel way of living....
proof no connections....

To whoever reading this, to whoever care of this, I am happy, because I know,
someone still care, someone still love, someone still think,
I am exist....
In this cruel world, in this cruel reality, in this cruel truth, I had lived in...

Being a man is hard, but being a man who is ignorant is harder.....