Thursday, July 2, 2009

Am I Overboarding?

Am i going overboard?if i am then i should stop what i am doing now....i should have really tell you how i feel when u asked....i should shout it out when i got the chance....god has yet gave me a chance to confess but i didn't appreciate that chance but wasted it.....i am a moron...i am stupid....i am an idiot....i am so coward...........and where did my courage gone to.....i love you...i love you...i love you....I LOVE YOU...those 3 words are so hard to say....i want to say it to you....i want to be with you....i want to hold your hand.....i want to make you happy....i want to see your smile everyday.....for so many years i had a crush on you.....I LOVE YOU....I REALLY MEAN IT........

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