Thursday, July 30, 2009

First time to have the chance to inspect a real life bmw in-line 6 cyl engine

woohoo~today my instructor asked my team to inspect a bmw in-line 6 cyl engine,we were impressed first though but not after we stared at that engine for 1 min n not knowing where to start...our task is to inspect the resistance of the fuel relay,ignition coil,fuil injector solenoid,high-tension cable and also the spark plugs...
our instructor pointed out for us where the fuel relay was and we started to work after figuring out how the whole engine work and where all the components are....first,we dismantle the cover of the engine and found out it has a totally different design from what a carburetor engine looks has a built in coil ignition for every single spark plugs n a very small compare to our conventional igniton system which has a distributor and an ignition coil but this one is a totally different category...we measure the coil ignition with a OhmMeter and it read approximately about 16kilo ohms for every ignition coil...
after that we started on the fuel injector coil,it was kinda confusing though cause there were many wires cover up the injector solenoid and its hard for us to reach too...haha..but we made it through was measured and read about 12kilo ohms for every fuel injector solenoid.....
finally we started on the fuel relay and also the spark team was dissapointed after measuring the spark plugs because all of the spark plugs in the engine were spoiled,totally gone...*sigh...the fuel relay is even more complicated than what we thought it would be look like...actually inside a single relay box there are still a lot of different small components to be inspected...and every components had different reading but it suppose to have same readings but anyway sorry because i didn't take the picture of it..try to imagine of the engine for a moment...will be updated soon

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